Buzz into sustainable sweetness with YPA Bees: Where every hive hums with harmony and every drop of honey tells a tale of nature’s bounty!

About the YPA Beekeeping Project

Our comprehensive package encompasses everything you need for successful beekeeping: high-quality hives, state-of-the-art harvesting and processing equipment, expert training, ongoing consultation services, and access to a wide range of bee products.
With the YPA Beekeeping project, we are dedicated to promoting sustainable beekeeping practices. Our bee hives (managed by YPA) are priced at 900,000 Uganda shillings each, and with your investment, you'll not only embark on a journey towards sustainable beekeeping but also reap financial rewards. After the first year of your investment, you'll start earning 100,000 Uganda Shillings monthly per hive purchased, for a continuous period of four (4) years."

Our Beekeeping Products


 Crafted with care from the finest nectar, our honey embodies the essence of Uganda's diverse landscapes, offering a taste of unparalleled richness and quality.

Bee Venom

Experience the therapeutic advantages of bee venom through YPA Bees' superior-grade collection.


Tap into the potent healing properties of propolis with YPA Bees' premium extract.

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