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Gardener in an apron. African guy in a greenhouse. Flowers in a pot.

About YPA

About YPA

YPA is a dynamic organization committed to empowering individuals and driving positive change throughout the African continent. Our innovative initiatives span a wide range of sectors, including agri-business, technology, and entrepreneurship. Our primary objective is to provide young Africans with opportunities to flourish and create lasting impacts within their communities


YPA is deeply committed to transformative initiatives that significantly impact lives. We go beyond by establishing income-generating Agribusiness projects, facilitating free education opportunities, supplying clothing to those in need, addressing hunger through food assistance, providing shelter for the homeless, offering employment opportunities to the jobless, and undertaking numerous other initiatives geared towards enhancing the overall well-being of individuals.

Each of these purposeful endeavors is meticulously designed to uplift lives throughout Uganda and across Africa.

YPA Maize Project

Transform Your Land: The Profitable Path to Maize Mastery.


Promoting beekeeping as a sustainable agribusiness practice.

Goats Agribusiness

Empowering farmers to improve livestock productivity & profitability.

Creating a World of Opportunities for Africa's Youth.

There’s a genius in you, lets discover it.

Why Choose YPA

Participation & Ownership

YPA fosters a culture of participation and ownership, empowering  Africans to actively engage in shaping their futures and taking ownership of their roles in driving positive change.

Goal Achievement

YPA empowers individuals to realize their aspirations through goal achievement, offering comprehensive support and resources to help people across Africa reach their full potential.

Boundless Creativity

Choose Youth Platform Africa for its boundless creativity, igniting innovation and empowering people in Uganda and across the continent to transform ideas into impactful realities.

Get the YPA Farm APP

Introducing the Youth Platform Africa Farm App, your gateway to modern agricultural practices and opportunities across the continent. Empowering farmers with knowledge, resources, and connections for sustainable farming and agribusines.

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Agribusiness skilling

Customer Testimonials

Discover the voices that speak volumes about our service.

Clients Feedback

I joined the YPA Goats Project and started with a minimum stock that's equivalent to 5 goats. Due to YPA's guarantee of 100% profits per year, I now have 10 goats and am sure I'll have at least 200 goats in 10 years. All thanks to YPA and management, I now can see wealth coming.
Sseruwagi Patrick
YPA Goats Project Customer
I was a struggling farmer before I joined YPA!, With them, I started with a minimum stock of 5 goats worth 2.5 million, and through their reliable and assured 100 percent profits annually, I was able to buy more stocks and now I have 13 stocks which have been able to accumulate 65 goats. I have no worries of labor, security, land, and the general maintenance of my animals because YPA has got me covered
Mable Kemigisha
YPA Goats Project Customer
I was so inspired by the fact that they can take care of my goats when I'm not in Uganda. I now have 15 goats yet I started with 5 goats two years ago. I'm happy that I have seen my goats physically and they are looking good. Thank you Mr. Obed for starting up this amazing risk-free project.
Wekesa George
YPA Goats Project Customer

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How YPA's Work advances SDG's

The vision, mission, and goals of YPA align with several SDGs, particularly SDG 1, SDG 3, SDG 4, and SDG 8. The organization’s focus on education, poverty eradication, and sustainable livelihood programs demonstrates a comprehensive approach to youth empowerment that can contribute significantly to the achievement of these Sustainable Development Goals.

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