Author name: youthplatformafrica

Empowering the Youth in Agribusiness: YPA and Nexus International University’s Unique Skilling Opportunity

In a ground-breaking move towards fostering agribusiness skills among the youth, the general manager of Youth Platform Africa, Obed Ben, announced an exciting initiative during a TikTok Live session. This remarkable opportunity, a joint venture between the youth platform Africa and Nexus University, aims to equip both vacists and goat enthusiasts with practical knowledge through

Empowering the Youth in Agribusiness: YPA and Nexus International University’s Unique Skilling Opportunity Read More »

Prime Radio Takes a Leap Beyond the Airwaves: A Visit to YPA Goats Project Farm

In an unprecedented move that goes beyond the traditional confines of radio broadcasting, Prime Radio’s top-notch team, led by the managing director, embarked on a familial tour of the radio’s advertisers. The highlight of this remarkable journey was a visit to the YPA Goats Project Farm in Gomba, indicating station’s commitment to bridging the gap

Prime Radio Takes a Leap Beyond the Airwaves: A Visit to YPA Goats Project Farm Read More »

Investors Experience First-hand the Growth and Potential at YPA Gomba Goats Farm

October 15, 2023, marked yet another glorious day for a set of new investors in the YPA goats’ project, who successfully paid a visit to the company’s farm in Gomba to have a glance and witness the progress of their investment. Investors gathered early in the morning at YPA Nansana, the designated meeting point, filled

Investors Experience First-hand the Growth and Potential at YPA Gomba Goats Farm Read More »

Exploring Youth Platform Africa’s Exciting Presence at UMA Trade Fair in Kampala

Trade fairs are bustling hubs of innovation, entrepreneurship, and the exchange of ideas. This year, the UMA show grounds in Kampala, Uganda, are set to host an exciting event, and one standout participant is Youth Platform Africa (YPA). If you’re in the area, you won’t want to miss the opportunity to visit their stall and

Exploring Youth Platform Africa’s Exciting Presence at UMA Trade Fair in Kampala Read More »

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